Tuesday, August 02, 2011


When its time to write exams, we all go to the library to read. At some point or the other, some or all of us read so much for a paper that when it iwas time to write in the hall, our brains froze- we went blank and then we beat ourselves for not remembering.

Well, I have not written a single story or even an inspirational piece in two solid months! If you have ever gone blank in an exam hall before, then you know how I feel. I hate to call it "writer's block" because that term sort of trivializes this problem.

I'm sorry that I have choosen to burden you with my ramblings but I made up my mind that no matter what, I would write something today. no matter how blank you get, you will always be able to write about being blank at least.

I know I have been sounding like a broken record thus far but the good thing about me is no matter how moody I get, I always try to look on a possible bright side. so raise your glasses comrades, here's to the beginning of the blocking of our writer's block!

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